1987 Song Book


338: I'm A Soldier Bound For Glory

Meter: Trochiac
Book:   1987 Song Book
Chapter:   The Gospel

I'm a soldier bound for Glory,
I'm a soldier going home;
Come and hear me tell my story,
All who love the Saviour, come.

I love Jesus, hallelujah!
I love Jesus, yes, I do;
I love Jesus, he's my Saviour,
Jesus smiles and loves me too.

I will tell you what induced me
In the glorious fight to start;
'Twas the Saviour's loving kindness
Overcame and won my heart.

When I first commenced my warfare
Many said I'd run away;
But they all have been deceived,
In the fight I am today.

I'm a wonder unto many,
God alone the change has wrought;
Here I raise my Ebenezer,
Hither by his help I'm brought.

When to death's dark, swelling river,
Like a warrior I shall come,
Then I mean to shout salvation!
And go singing glory! home.
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I'm a soldier bound for Glory

Included in the author's Hymns for the Living and the Dying,Volume 1, Fourth edition, 1852, with the title: 'The Heaven-bound Traveller'. The verses, which began: 'I'm a pilgrim,bound for Glory', have been altered by various salvationist editors, and the fourth verse of the original (part of the author's personal testimony) has been omitted:Twenty years have now elapsed Since I first began to pray,-I have been in many conflicts,but I'm here alive today.

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Tunes linked to this song

382 - 1987 Tune Book

382: I'm A Soldier

Book: 1987 Tune Book
Composer: --
Lyricist: --
Key: F
Alt. Key: --
Tempo: 72
Capo: --
Metronome:     = 72
Meter: Trochiac Trochiac

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375 - 1987 Tune Book

375: I Love Jesus

Book: 1987 Tune Book
Composer: John Wyeth (1770-1858)
Lyricist: John Wyeth (1770-1858)
Key: E♭
Alt. Key: --
Tempo: 72
Capo: --
Metronome:     ♩. = 72
Meter: Trochiac

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